Kurt Cargle is the founder and CEO of PowerNomics Real Estate Fund, based on the book written by Dr. Anderson.
The goal of PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America is to make African Americans in the United States a successful and self-reliant minority that can hold their own in the global economy.
In this book, Dr. Anderson debunks the false promises of black advancement and compiles facts and figures from various sources to outline the problem black Americans face and provide ways out of it. Dr. Anderson provides new ideas, techniques, and concepts in PowerNomics: The National Plan that demonstrates a different way of looking at and acting on racial issues for black people.
The shift in outlook will enable black people to take calculated measures to bring about a better future for their people. Anyone who believes in the independence of black people will find this book helpful. In this book, Dr. Anderson provides critical analysis and concrete strategies for black people to follow to reimagine education, economics, politics, and religion for the benefit of their race.
Dr. Anderson proposes new empowerment tools—a new collective vision and a new culture of empowerment—meant to oppose, if not shatter, many of society’s racial monopolies, which are necessary for carrying out the action steps in each area. Other key ideas and techniques he discusses include vertical integration and industrializing black neighborhoods. He thinks it’s crucial to establish businesses in black neighborhoods based on shared advantages in the marketplace.
He has built various models of the tactics he suggests in PowerNomics: The National Plan, which he revealed with the book’s publication. Questions like, “Why are blacks the only group that equates success with working in a white corporation, government, or the entertainment industry?” and “How did power and wealth—businesses, resources, privileges, income, and control of all levels of government—get so disproportionately distributed in the hands of white society?” are all addressed in Dr. Anderson’s latest book, PowerNomics: The Plan, which is infused with his trademark creative thinking.
Locations that undergo industrialization get several economic advantages. When and how will black America become industrialized? Why do black leaders and prominent African Americans avoid discussing their race and instead advocate for other minorities, such as women, homosexuals, the poor, and racial and ethnic minorities who have immigrated to the United States? Why do new immigrant populations always replace the original ones as the dominant power structure in the black community? How is it that African Americans as a group have been consistent and loyal voters with no tangible rewards in return? Black Labor, White Wealth was Dr. Anderson’s first book, and it looked at the history of racism to demonstrate how it has kept black people in a virtually permanent lower socioeconomic status than white people.
PowerNomics: The National Plan is the missing link between the historical explanation of the difficulties confronting blacks and the methods required to remedy those problems, picking up where Black Labor and White Wealth left off. The success of Dr. Anderson’s books has been nothing short of a publishing sensation. His work is distinctive because he has found commercial success with profoundly serious, non-fictional works focused on black history. Similarly, PowerNomics: The National Plan continues this trend. This is an incredible piece of art.